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Developing Shape, Spatial Reasoning and Measure in the Early Years

No schedules currently available


Category Early Years

Target audienceEYFS Lead
Early Years Teachers
Early Years TAs

Audience capacity40


Type1 session x 1:30 hrs
1 session x 1:30 hrs


To develop an understanding of shape and spatial reasoning in the Early Years.


This interactive program for Early Years practitioners will include:

  • Exploration of the EYFS curriculum 
  • Looking at associated language of maths 
  • Images and manipulatives to support effective teaching and learning in maths
  • Immersion in practical activities that can be applied back in the Early Years setting
  • Consolidating subject knowledge and pedagogical approaches to the teaching and learning of maths in Early Years

In mathematics the art of proposing a question must be held of higher value than solving it

Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp Cantor


Click to watch the the 10 Minute Teaser with Sara.

Professional Learning Packages:

Schools have the option to buy a professional learning (PL) package for Early Years. Once purchased, the PL Booker for each school can book two people onto all courses within Early Years. Additional places will be charged at the cost displayed on the course page.

To purchase the package:

  • Log into the hub
  • Scroll down to the Schools Traded Services Store
  • Click ''Enfield Education'
  • Select the package of professional learning you which to purchase
  • If you are purchasing for more than one school, select the school you are purchasing for

Packages can be purchased for non-Enfield schools, please select the OutOfBorough option.


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