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Understanding the Writing Journey in the Early Years

No schedules currently available


Category Early Years

Target audienceEYFS Lead

Audience capacity40


Type1 session x 1:30 hrs
1 session x 1:30 hrs


What participants will gain from this 2 session program:

  • An understanding of the knowledge, skills, attitudes and understanding involved in becoming an Early Writer
  • An understanding of how best to support the development of transcription and composition in the Early Years.
  • Strategies and approaches for contextualising language, vocabulary, phonics, spelling, punctuation and grammar.
  • Suggestions for a range of quality texts to support and inspire writing in the Early Years.
  • An understanding of an authentic writing process and how to develop purposeful contexts for writing.
  • A clear idea of the knowledge, skills and understanding young children will gain from these approaches.


These two sessions, focussed on progress and provision for the Early Years will focus on the foundations for writing, looking at the range of experiences that can be offered to children at this age and how these can be used to develop children’s transcriptional skills and imagination and ideas to support composition.

We will explore the kinds of experiences and contexts for writing that can support teachers to focus on key writing skills and strategies, including the use and application of phonics and gross and fine motor development to support handwriting.

Throughout the sessions we will share a range of ways in which to provide purposeful contexts for writing and a range of texts and creative teaching approaches designed to develop children’s ideas, language and content for a range of different kinds of writing linked to personal experience and themes and topics of interest.

The contexts for writing and texts chosen will exemplify how to plan for opportunities to meet the needs and interests of children in the Early Years and the activities shared will support children’s learning across the provision.


The books which children encounter in Early Years settings and at home, the books which adults share with children at special times, must be books which light in children that flame of the love of literature which will burn and burn throughout the whole of their lives

Tina Bruce (CLPE Patron) in Threads of Thinking: Young Children Learning and the Role of Early Education


Click to watch the 10 Minute Teaser with Charlotte, recorded 21.6.21


Professional Learning Packages:

Schools have the option to buy a professional learning (PL) package for Early Years. Once purchased, the PL Booker for each school can book two people onto all courses within Early Years. Additional places will be charged at the cost displayed on the course page.

To purchase the package:

  • Log into the hub
  • Scroll down to the Schools Traded Services Store
  • Click ''Enfield Education'
  • Select the package of professional learning you which to purchase
  • If you are purchasing for more than one school, select the school you are purchasing for

Packages can be purchased for non-Enfield schools, please select the OutOfBorough option.


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