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Brave Leadership: Leadership Awareness-Know your team - Julie Rees

No schedules currently available


Category Leadership

Target audienceCEO
Deputy Headteacher
Assistant Headteacher
Pastoral Lead
Behaviour Lead
Head of Department
Inclusion Manager

Audience capacity300


Type1 session x 1 hrs


To help all leaders gain a better understanding of those they work with and to maximise the potential of the group.



Julie has nearly twenty years of headship experience and has tools to share that enable her staff to thrive within their roles. Julie will model  tools you can use in your school to understand how to best communicate with your team. She will reflect on how to get the best out of our colleagues through focusing on self, others and the environment.


Do things no one does or do things everyone does in a way no one does

Independent Thinking


Click to watch the 10 Minute Teaser with Dave Harris, MD of Independent Thinking, recorded on 15.6.21 
