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Enfield Trauma Informed Practice in Schools and Settings (E-TIPSS) Central Training 2 Full Days - March 2025


Category Leadership

Target audienceCEO
Deputy Headteacher
Assistant Headteacher
Pastoral Lead
Behaviour Lead
Head of year
Senior mental health leads
Designated teachers for LAC
Safeguarding Leads

Audience capacity60


Type1 session x 7:30 hrs
1 session x 7:30 hrs


This is a comprehensive training on the Attachment, Regulation and Competency (ARC) Framework and aims to enable school teams and partners to implement a whole school trauma informed approach to their setting.

This is an essential first step for Senior Leaders in supporting their staff to have a shared understanding and language, promoting a whole school approach to thinking about children and young people’s needs and how to help them feel safe.


Maximum number of bookings from any school / service is three people 

1 Bookings available

Thursday 09:00
Houndsfield Primary School Park Suite, Ripon Road, Enfield, London, N9 7RE

Session 1: 06 March 2025 - >

Session 2: 20 March 2025 - >


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