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Child Protection - Spring 2024

No schedules currently available


Category Safeguarding Compliance

Target audienceAll Staff

Audience capacity100

Online platformECP Platform


Type1 session x 3 hrs


To understand Duty of Care in line with Enfield’s Safeguarding Children Partnership procedures, and the latest government guidance ‘Keeping children safe in education – September 2023’.


Statutory training meeting the requirement of the ‘robust 3-yearly training’ for whole staff communities. This course is essential for all staff working within an education setting. Exploring Duty of Care in line with Enfield’s Safeguarding Children Partnership procedures, and the latest government guidance ‘Keeping children safe in education – September 2023’. Course content includes: 

• Understanding of national guidance and procedures, 

• Recognising the four categories of abuse 

• Empowering the voice of a child 

• Awareness raising of key challenges including Mental Health, Adverse childhood experiences – including Domestic Abuse, Online Safety, Radicalisation, Criminal Exploitation (including County Lines and Child Sexual Exploitation) and HBA (Honour-Based Abuse including FGM – Female Genital Mutilation) 


Education Child Protection is a specialist child protection and safeguarding training company working with organisations across all sectors who come into contact with children, young people, families and adults at risk.  We provide some of the best Child Protection, Adults at Risk and Online Safety training within the UK, and we pride ourselves on delivering services of the highest standard that has a positive impact on those who receive it

Nicole Williamson

