Inclusive Pedagogy
No schedules currently available
Category Teaching, Learning & Innovation
Target audienceKS1 Lead
KS2 Lead
All Primary Staff
Audience capacity300
Online platformZoom
Type1 session x 1:30 hrs
1 session x 1:30 hrs
1 session x 1:30 hrs
To develop an understanding of the power and impact of developing inclusive pedagogies.
This is a three part course, which is made up of three sessions:
Session 1 – This interactive session will explore how to utilise the informal learning that children bring to schools; how to take account of their background and prior learning. It will look at the Home School Knowledge Action project and important findings from this to positively impact literacy in schools.
Session 2 - This interactive session will explore what liberating the curriculum means and the intended and unintended aspects of the curriculum and how this represents the school community and develop a sense of global awareness. There will be practical guidance and opportunity to collaborate on planning.
Session 3 – The final interactive session will dive into inclusive pedagogical practices, looking at how differentiation can work in this context. We will explore behaviour and unconscious bias, particularly in terms of questioning. Relevant research from the IOE and the EEF will be utilised.
Education is the great engine of personal development. It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, that the son of a mine worker can become the head of the mine, that a child of farm workers can become the president of a great nation. It is what we make out of what we have, not what we are given, that separates one person from another
Nelson Mandela
Click to watch the 10 Minute Teaser with Gideon, recorded on 24.6.21