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Safeguarding Update - Special Schools

No schedules currently available


Category Safeguarding

Target audienceAll Staff

Audience capacity100

Online platformECP Platform


Type1 session x 2 hrs


To understand new legislation, guidance, latest trends and issues in relation to Child Protection and Safeguarding


Child Protection is a highly specialised field and often Designated Safeguarding Teams feel more comfortable accessing outside providers to provide this update. Keeping children safe in education (September 2020) states that staff are to receive an annual update on Child Protection and Safeguarding. Training your whole staff community, we will provide a complete update to cover all new legislation, guidance, latest trends and issues.  This is a bespoke session specifically designed or staff working in special schools.


Education Child Protection is a specialist child protection and safeguarding training company working with organisations across all sectors who come into contact with children, young people, families and adults at risk.  We provide some of the best Child Protection, Adults at Risk and Online Safety training within the UK, and we pride ourselves on delivering services of the highest standard that has a positive impact on those who receive it

Nicole Williamson


Click to watch the 10 Minute Teaser with Nicole recorded on 7.5.21
