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Language and Social Skills (LASS) Groups: Subject to availability.

No schedules currently available


Category SEND & Inclusion

Audience capacity20


Type1 session x 0 hrs


To be able to set up and run a LASS intervention


Included through the SEND/Inclusion PL Offer over one year, for your first group, subject to availability

LASS groups are an established multi-disciplinary Wave 2 Enfield intervention. They are suitable for children across all phases with moderate speech, language and communication needs and delayed social skills. The intervention consists of two weekly half day sessions for 12 weeks for 8 children, led by 2 school staff with the support of EYSI Specialist Advisory Support Officers (SASO), and with access to NHS therapists via EYSI.
LASS Plus runs in a similar way to LASS but is suitable for children with more complex needs than are catered for by LASS. The frequency and duration of LASS Plus is flexible dependent on the needs of the children in the group. EYSI SASOs can advise.
Subject to time availability EYSI will provide:
Parental consent template
LASS model,  paperwork and assessment materials
EYSI support for one LASS session in school per year (up to half a day)
Termly peer network opportunities (1 day)
3 half day training sessions for up to 3 members of staff (including LASS staff) (1.5 days) Proposed sessions:
• Holistic Story-making
• Welcome to Our World of Hidden Senses
• Enhancing Staff Wellbeing
Access to EYSI SaLT, Occupational Therapist and Physiotherapist if needed and only in consultation with SASO. Up to half a day from each per year, available on request. This half day session includes therapists’ preparation and paperwork. Therapists may carry out a universal group observation or in some cases brief individual advice may be needed.  Full individual assessments are not available at this time. (1.5 days)
Data analysis and recommendations at end of intervention (0.5 days)


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