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Secondary Schools Behaviour Leads Training - 17th October 2023

No schedules currently available


Category Leadership SEND & Inclusion

Target audienceBehaviour Lead

Audience capacity50


Type1 session x 6:30 hrs


Learning outcomes include:

  • Delegates will learn more about Behaviour Leadership and the role in the school
  • Delegates will be introduced to the  Framework and its application in a school setting
  • Delegates will learn more about the role of NEXUS in supporting schools.

There will also be a carousel of more targeted support to include:

  • The PSP and how to write it, implement it and monitor it for success
  • Data and how to use it, the 360 spotlight
  • Process & structure - building capacity and sustaining culture
  • Advocacy Advice. 

Refreshments and lunch will be provided.  

For any further information contact: Ian Fordham

Tel: 020 8132 0314  / 07943 533350 


Hannah Hall is an experienced School Improvement Partner, Consultant, Coach & Trainer. She specialises in Behaviour, SEMH & SEND, and works nationally and internationally supporting Schools (early years to FE, & Special/AP settings), Local Authorities & Trusts in reviewing, implementing, and developing cultural change, policy, systems and provision.


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