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Disrupting Exploitation Programme - SEND Curriculum Workshop

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Category Professional Learning Portal Teaching, Learning & Innovation Safeguarding SEND & Inclusion Secondary

Target audienceAll Secondary Staff
PSHE Coordinator
Safeguarding Leads
Inclusion Manager

Audience capacity40


Type1 session x 3 hrs


The Children’s Society’s Disrupting Exploitation programme have developed a curriculum on county lines exploitation for children with special educational needs. Alongside West Lea school, the Disrupting Exploitation Programme and The Children’s Society is offering an introductory workshop on the SEND curriculum for all secondary and special schools in Enfield. 

This workshop for teachers and school staff will cover: 

* Overview of SEND curriculum resources

* Overview of key themes covered in the curriculum, such as signs of grooming and exploitation 

* Risks associated with exploitation 

* Where to go for support 

In addition, West Lea School will provide a specific training session on how to teach the curriculum to children with SEND and the best way to deliver the lessons.  


Supporting resources

For the school – the exploitation awareness toolkit provides training to up skill school staff through short training videos on exploitation, unconscious bias and trauma informed practice. It also provides lesson plans and resources for delivering sessions on exploitation to pupils. This is available at


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