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How to Develop and Support a Child's Social and Emotional Wellbeing - May 2025


Category SEND & Inclusion

Target audienceKS1 Lead

Audience capacity25

Online platformMicrosoft Teams


Type1 session x 1:30 hrs


To provide staff with a better understanding of how children develop emotionally and the impact various experiences can have
To explore how we can support children to understand their own feelings through fun activities and resources
To be more confident in supporting children to develop strategies and recognise their own feelings


This is an interactive session where we will explore children’s emotional responses, behaviours and the impact life experiences may have, through activities and ideas which aim to enable children to explore their basic feelings and begin to express them.

Supporting our children’s emotional development

1 Bookings available

Wednesday 10:00

Session: 07 May 2025 - >


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#EarlyYearsLead #EYFS #Wellbeing #Behaviour #SEND #Emotions