Urgent message from the Director of Education

FAO: All Headteachers/All Phases

Dear Headteacher/Principal

I am writing to you concerning the announcement last night by Matt Hancock relating to the new South African variant of the virus and further the advice on the Department of Health’s website on this matter. As you may know, two of the post codes identified are in close proximity to Enfield (EN10 & N17). I consulted with our public health team last night and there is no evidence that this virus strain is any more dangerous than the current virus strain but clearly there are concerns about this as expressed by Mr Hancock particularly related to its transmitability and his ask for people to stay at home.

In light of this, I would recommend that staff who live in these post codes are asked to have a PCR test (not LTF) as soon as they can as per the guidance. They should also work from home if at all possible until they have  a negative outcome from the test. I realise the inconvenience of this recommendation but due to the strength of concern about this new strain of the virus, it is important that we try to stay as safe as possible. Of course, this recommendation may change if there is new guidance forthcoming from the DfE or the Department of Health.

Please see the advice below taken from the Department of Health website.

"Every person over 16 living in these locations is strongly encouraged to take a COVID test this week, whether they are showing symptoms or not. Mobile testing units (MTUs) will be deployed offering PCR testing to people without symptoms who have to leave their home for work or essential reasons, with local authorities encouraging people to get tested in the area by providing additional home test kits”

I look forward to seeing you later today at the Headteacher’s briefing.

Peter Nathan

Director of Education