Enfield Inclusion Charter

To support colleagues in schools, we have created an inclusion page on The Hub that provides guidance and resources on providing an inclusive education for children and young people. Inclusion is a universal human right. The aim of inclusion is to embrace all people irrespective of disability, race, gender, medical or other need.

The Enfield Inclusion Charter

This charter sets out a shared vision for inclusion and gives 8 principles by which schools, education settings and related services can achieve inclusive education for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

The Charter has been developed by children and young people, headteachers, teachers, parents and carers, council officers, health partners and voluntary sector organisations through a series of workshops, focus groups and discussions of best practice.

At the heart of this charter, is a culture where we embrace difference; where barriers are minimised or removed; and where the everyday lived experience, interests and needs of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) are better understood.

Schools and settings who sign up to this Charter commit to both the principles and approach, ensuring more appropriate educational choice for pupils and enabling an environment that promotes peer support and embraces individual differences. This means more of our young people can be educated locally so they can contribute to, and be supported by, their local community.

Signing the Inclusion Charter is a commitment to:

  • Provide clear, visible and strong leadership for inclusion
  • Ensure that everyone takes responsibility for including children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities
  • Understand that all behaviour happens for a reason
  • Listen and respond to children and young people’s opinions and ideas when making any decision which impacts on their lives
  • Celebrate difference and diversity
  • Work with families, professionals and practitioners across our community to help all children and young people to thrive
  • Ensure that everyone is comfortable to be open and honest about what support they need to help children and young people in their care
  • Support children and young people to prepare for their adulthood from the early years and throughout their childhood and adolescence, so they can shape their future in the way they want.

The Enfield Inclusion Charter Guidance

  • These principles are supported by a guidance document. This provides links to materials and services to support the development, implementation and evidencing of inclusive practice. The resource links are provided in the column on the right.  

Please complete the interest form if your school or education setting would like to sign up to the charter or if you would like more information


Document links