Online Safety

The internet is a big part of children’s lives in the UK, with children spending 2 to 5 hours online daily (OFCOM, 2024). It helps them make friends, learn, and be creative. However, the internet also has risks, such as exposure to harmful content and online abuse.

Schools have a duty to ensure children are protected and taught how to keep themselves safe. Filtering, monitoring and a robust online safety curriculum all form part of this duty.

However, safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and while it is never possible to remove risk entirely, parents and carers also have a duty to ensure their children are kept safe and are able to manage risk effectively both in the real world and online. Our parental guide is designed to help families to develop safe and healthy internet use using the TECH approach. It is research-based, practical and trauma-informed.

Schools are expected to support families to understand and implement T.E.C.H Safeguarding Guidance

T - TALK - Encourage two-way communication with your child

E - EDUCATE - Stay informed about the latest online risks

C - CO-VIEW - Spend time online together

H - HOUSE RULES - Set clear rules for internet use

Helpful Guides for Specific Online Risks:

NOTE: WhatsApp has since changed its age rating to 13+