Suspensions and Exclusions

For the vast majority of pupils, suspensions and permanent exclusions will not be necessary as strategies put in place will be successful in supporting the child or young person. However, in some cases, where approaches to behaviour management have been exhausted, suspensions and permanent exclusions may sometimes be necessary as a last resort.

Relevant Department for Education guidance on behaviour and exclusions as well as template letters/forms for schools to use are available under “Documents” on this page.

Schools are reminded that the Local Authority should be notified of any suspensions as soon as they happen by completing the S1 form in the documents section. If a school is considering a permanent exclusion, the Local Authority must be contacted as soon as possible to discuss possible alternative options.

For children and young people with a named social worker who are subject to suspension or exclusion, contact must be made the social worker as well as the parent, to advise them of this.     

The most recent Government guidance states that where a pupil has a social worker, e.g., because they are the subject of a Child in Need Plan or a Child Protection Plan, and they are at risk of suspension or permanent exclusion, the headteacher should inform their social worker, the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and the pupil’s parents to involve them all as early as possible in relevant conversations.

Where a looked-after child (LAC) is likely to be subject to a suspension or permanent exclusion, the Designated Teacher (DT) should contact the local authority’s Virtual School Head (VSH) as soon as possible. The VSH, working with the DT and others, will consider if additional assessment and support should be put in place to help the school address the factors affecting the child’s behaviour and reduce the need for suspension or permanent exclusion. Where relevant, the school should also engage with a child’s social worker, foster carers, or children’s home workers.

If a child or young person has an EHCP and the headteacher is minded to exclude or put in place a suspension for more than 5 days (10 sessions), contact must be made with SEN Services to discuss possible alternative pathways.