Working in collaboration with primary and secondary schools

FAO: All Schools / All Phases - Headteachers, SG and behaviour leads

Dear Heads, SG and Behaviour leads.

I would like to share an example of how information sharing has allowed us to act in partnership with yourself sharing an issue that impacts both primary and secondary schools. On Sunday there was a break in at Hounsfield Primary school during the incident a group of males and females drew/wrote graffiti around the building, sprayed sweet chilli sauce down a corridor and all over an interactive whiteboard and made a mess. The crime was reported at the time, however due to potential lack of forensics and poor CCTV footage this may not result in a process we can take through to Criminal justice system (this is not confirmed yet). The matter is ongoing and we are working closely with our Burglary detective team. The reach from Catherine the Head teacher has allowed us to quickly identify the pupils that now attend both Oasis Hadley and Bishop Stopford allowing my schools officers in these schools to link in with the pupils , SG leads to work together to work together for early intervention and awareness and obtain intelligence and Merlin reports (every child contacts report that is shared with MASH).

Inspector Jas Kaur

Policing schools Lead for Secondary and Primary schools in Enfield NA - Deputy leads both Sgts Velda Ewen and Sgt Mehmet Ganidagli

Violence against women and girls (VAWAG) Prevention NA BCU lead

Op Boxster ‘Sex workers’ NA Lead  – Deputy lead Sgt Ian Davey