Reprezent: Mental Health Support for London Pupils

FAO: Enfield HTs, SBMs, SENCOs and Pastoral Leads, and Senior Leads for Mental Health

Dear All,

Please find attached an information sheet with contact details from the organisation Reprezent.

We are a young people's development organisation, we provide support to pupils to improve their Mental Health, and we have a London-wide FM radio station led by youth. We've been funded (through DCMS) to provide free Mental Health and Wellbeing support for 12,000 London pupils until the end of March (possibly longer pending other funding decisions). We developed an interactive TV show, streamed live to schools, which helps pupils to understand their own mental health. We also lead pupils to sign up for Kooth online counselling and services during the show. It's been successfully developed and piloted in Essex funded by the NHS, and we're now able to offer it to London schools. 

We started delivery yesterday, and have schools across London booked in totalling 7,000 pupils. We need to get the word out to as many London secondary and sixth form schools as possible, to get at least another 5,000 pupils supported. 

Shane Carey, Reprezent