Tips for parents about online safety
FAO: Headteachers, DSLs, Computing Leads, Parent Support Advisors.
Why is learning about online safety important? Through the internet, children can feel threatened by worrying content, contacted by malicious strangers or bullied by other children. To understand why internet safety is important for children, it helps to know the types of worries that are out there. Some conversations are going to be more difficult than others, but it's so important to have open and honest conversations, so that as a parent you can help your child with any worries or issues they might be facing online. Talking regularly with your child about how they use technology can help you to find out what their digital life is like, including what their favourite sites and services are and also how being online makes them feel. The attached document will help you as a parent to have these conversations.
Dani Lang,
Senior School Improvement Advisor for Safeguarding and Inclusion