Nuffield Health 7 day pass for Education Staff Feb Half Term

FAO: All Schools / All Phases

This is a free 7 day trial for anyone working in education and they are able to use the facilities from Monday 14th February – Sunday 20th February

We have a fully equipped gymnasium, studio for classes, swimming pool, sauna, steam room and hydro spa J

All you would need to do is claim the free 7 day trial via the link on the poster or by contacting myself to get booked in. You would need to bring education ID on your first visit and if using our changing room facilities, bring a padlock along with you to store your belongings away, you will also need to bring a towel for the spa and pool facilities. You will be toured on your first visit to show you around the facilities and then free to use the facilities for the week above.

If anyone does have any questions, please feel free to email me

Lewis Spallin

Membership Consultant

Enfield Fitness & Wellbeing