SACRE website and Agreed Syllabus
FAO: RE Leads
The Enfield SACRE site is up and running again, with a slightly different address.
Every five years a Local Authority has to review and if necessary, update its Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education, copy attached for information. As Enfield’s current Agreed Syllabus was published in 2017, it is now time to start reviewing and, if necessary, updating it.
The initial workshop is a half day meeting to be held on Wednesday 9 March 2022. The purpose of this will be to highlight and look at Enfield’s current Agreed Syllabus, alongside receiving presentations on various approaches to RE which might be suitable for schools within the borough in the future.
Following this will be a subsequent meeting on Monday 25th April 2022. This meeting will consist of the same group of teachers and focus on discussing the options presented during the first workshop before selecting which would be most suitable for the future of RE in Enfield. The conclusions of this meeting will be presented to Enfield SACRE to inform its review of the current Agreed Syllabus and help it decide upon the future direction of the next one.
We would like to have as many teachers as possible come to this workshop. Please email if you are intersted in joining.
Lucy Nutt
Head of SEYIS