Holocaust Memorial Day 2022
FAO: All Schools / All Phases
Dear Colleagues,
I hope everyone is well.
I would like to remind you about Enfield’s Holocaust Memorial Day event which is being broadcast on the Council’s YouTube Channel from 7pm tomorrow evening, Thursday 27th January 2022.
This represents our third year of delivering an online Holocaust Memorial Day commemoration after doing so successfully in both 2020 and 2021. By delivering the event to people on one of our digital platforms we can make it truly inclusive and accessible to all members of the public as well as staff.
As the event has been pre-recorded for broadcast, you will be able to access the event in its entirety from 7pm tomorrow onwards and it will remain available to be clicked and viewed for the remainder of the month, into February 2022 and beyond. So please don’t think you will have missed the opportunity to view the event if unable to tune in at the point the broadcast will first appear, you can view it at a time that works for you.
This year, we have worked closely with a local film company to produce a really inspiring new film as the centrepiece for Holocaust Memorial Day 2022. The film is titled, ‘One Day’ which reflect the national theme for this years HMD and it features contributions from local residents and some of our staff who bring to life the voices of those who have suffered as a result of historic genocide across the world.
The whole event will run for 60 minutes and as well as our new film will also feature supporting contributions from local religious and civic leaders.
The broadcast will start at 7pm and you will be able to access the event via this link: https://youtu.be/-qD3gGc73V8
I do hope you are able to join us for this Holocaust Memorial Day 2022 commemoration and give one hour of your time to reflect on how lives can change in just one day.
Yours sincerely
Ian Davis
Chief Executive
Chief Executive’s Department