Safeguarding Briefing - 24th January 2022

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Safeguarding Briefing from Andrew Hall



Safeguarding Briefing - 24th January 2022

Dear ,

Mental Health Watch - November 2021 (Royal College of Psychiatrists)

Eating Disorders

The Royal College of Psychiatrists (Rcpsych) reports that whilst the target for young people with eating disorders to receive NICE-approved treatment for an urgent eating disorder within one week is 95%, only 61% actually did so in the first three months of 2021. At the same time, demand increased by 160%, although numbers are relatively low: 852 compared to 328 one year earlier.  

Self Harm

The Rcpsych report notes that rates of hospital admission for children and young people who have self-harmed has decreased nationally. In the final quarter of 2020/21 the rate had declined by 3.7%, reaching 105.2 per 100,000.

Admissions for self-harm are highest in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire. The three Integrated Care Systems (ICS) with the lowest rates of admission were all in North London. 

You can read the full report here:

Every Mind Matters (Public Health England)

Public Health England have set of resources aimed at supporting teachers. The flexible, ready-to-use content has been co-created with educators and young people and help teach PSHE, RHE and RSHE to Upper KS2, KS3 and KS4 students.

Topics covered in the resources include:

  • Bullying and cyberbullying
  • Self-care
  • Unhelpful thoughts
  • Social media
  • Sleep
  • Puberty
  • Online stress and FOMO
  • Alcohol
  • Exam stress
  • Body image in a digital world
  • Forming positive relationships

The resources can be found here:

Children experiencing parental imprisonment

After mentioning children of prisoners last week, I had a couple of emails sharing further useful links.

Children Heard and Seen

Ruth wrote, 'I can also recommend this brilliant charity which offers excellent support to children and families.' Children Heard and Seen is a charity that works to mitigate the effects of parental imprisonment on children, young people and their families. 

Find out more here:

Hidden Sentence

Peter emailed to say, 'Can I also highlight the Hidden Sentence work being carried out by NEPACS. Well worth checking out.'

More information:

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Gambling (Young Gamers and Gamblers Education Trust)

The Young Gamers and Gamblers Education Trust (YGAM) is a national charity with a social purpose to inform, educate and safeguard young and vulnerable people, helping them build resilience and understand the potential harms caused by gambling and gaming.

Parents can often feel overwhelmed in a world of constantly advancing technology and YGAM is keen to provide simple, usable resources to help parents have honest and open conversations with their children around the topics of gaming and gambling.

There are supposed to be protections in place to keep children away from the risk of gambling. However, the way that online apps and games work, give rise to behaviours that might encourage children towards gambling.

In late 2019, the Gambling Commission published a report investigating the impact of gambling on 11-16 year olds in Great Britain. The report singled out the loot box as an example of the blurring of gaming and gambling, finding that 44% of young people who are familiar with in-game items had paid money to open loot boxes in-game. Loot boxes can be bought within a game, and contain a random selection of items.

In August 2021, the House of Commons library published a Library Paper giving an overview of loot boxes and the concerns that have been raised about their possible role in encouraging children to gamble. You can read the paper here:

The Young Gamers and Gamblers Education Trust (YGAM) has resources for parents and teachers and can be found here:

Link Index MAPP (QR Code Resources)

It's not always easy to find the links to information and resources that you need.

Whilst researching for a resource recently I found a brilliant product – the LinkIndex Keyring. Made up of 30 little laminated cards, the keyring holds QR codes for a wide-range of topics to direct you quickly to the support networks and information that you need, to help you promote better outcomes for children, adults and families.

Have a look at my quick video here:

The MAAPP LinkIndex Keyring was designed by professionals for professionals to give you instant access to over four hundred targeted resources. All you need to do is scan the QR code with your smartphone’s camera and a relevant web page pops up with the resource list you need. Brilliant!

Find out more here:

Sepsis - Resources for schools (UK Sepsis Trust)

Thank you to everyone who registered for the resources created by UK Sepsis Trust are we mentioned it in the Briefing a few weeks ago. Brian Davies from UK Sepsis Trust, said, 'We really appreciate your support and according to my rough estimates, your impact will hopefully see in excess of 50,000 young people given access to the resources, and have a better understanding of the dangers of sepsis for future life!'

If you haven't yet downloaded the resources, you can access the sepsis resources here:

Spotting Sepsis in children

UK Sepsis Trust's Spotting Sepsis in Children leaflet will help you to spot the signs and symptoms of sepsis in children and can be found here:

Member Call (Safeguarding.Pro)

January's exclusive Member Call session covered a number of topics and your questions last week. We talked about:

  • Safer Recruitment
  • Ofsted inspections and 
  • Cybercrime

Teenager has £2m of cryptocurrency seized by police

In the section on cybercrime, I referenced a teenager who had set up a fraudulent shopping website which earned him almost a £250,000. He invested the funds in Bitcoin which subsequently rose in value to over £2 million.

He was given a 12 month youth rehabilitation order to include a supervision requirement and 150 hours of unpaid work. The judge ruled that he had benefited from his crimes by £2,141,720 and ordered that amount to be confiscated from his assets.

The Judge said “If he was an adult he would be going inside.”

She told the boy: “You have a long-standing interest in computers. Unfortunately, you used your skills to commit a sophisticated fraud.”

Cyber Choices (National Crime Agency)

That National Crime Agency (NCA) has a resources to support young people at risk of becoming involved in cyber-enabled crimes like Denial Of Service attacks, hacking and fraud. Serious crimes can have their roots in online gaming where young people may try to win or gain an advantage by using a range of technical cheats.

In 2019/20, the NCA received 259 referrals, most were 15 years old and one child was just 9. Cyberattacks have more than doubled during lock-down, many from teenagers.

NCA Choices can be found here:

You can watch an extract of the Member Call here:

The next Member Call will be on Wednesday 9th February 2022 at 4.15pm - register here:

You need to be a member of Safeguarding.Pro to get involved, why not join today for £149.97/year by going to: where you can also access a whole load of resources for use in your own safeguarding learning and to lead CPD with your own staff.

Safeguarding CPD for Governors

Perhaps after the recent proposal that governors' safeguarding CPD should be made mandatory, I've been had quite a few emails enquiring about how can help.

It is worth saying that there is a one-hour Safeguarding Course for Governors inside Safeguarding.Pro. This means that for £149.97 all your governors can access that training (and all the other resources too) for a year. The online seminar can be found here:

I also lead two-hour live sessions online and I can of course come to your location if preferred. These sessions have been very popular and well-received.

You can find out more here:

You can join Safeguarding.Pro here:

Forthcoming Events

Advanced Safeguarding for DSLs

This is a four-session course for DSLs over a full-day. The course is offered live and as a recorded replay. When the course is live, there are plenty of opportunities to contribute with observations, questions or answers. As a recording, the interactions from other people are included and feedback notes that this makes it feel like you are not on your own.

"I came to a session in Birmingham back in 2019 (the day after the GE I think) and it was superb. Today [online] was just as good, if not better. The use of video mixed with live speaking was excellent and goes way beyond what other safeguarding courses provide. You've been there and done it, and your openness with your own story is inspirational." 

LIVE ONLINE Thursday 10th February 2022 BOOK NOW 

LIVE ONLINE Tuesday 15th March 2022 BOOK NOW  

...and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your convenience BOOK NOW

Whole School Safeguarding CPD Online Session

In this two and half hour online presentation aimed at staff in all roles, specialist safeguarding consultant, Andrew Hall, explores important aspects of safeguarding in schools including child protection, learning from case studies and the latest version of Keeping Children Safe in Education.

"I would like to extend my thanks to Andrew for his fantastic online training. It was filmed so well - almost as if he were here with us! We were kept engaged throughout and felt so well informed - a huge thank you. It was a real success, and we look forward to booking you again in the future - with the staff team saying it was the best safeguarding training they have ever had. We really appreciated Andrew's real-life storytelling and the way such sensitive information was shared - it was excellent training."

You book your online session here:


Until next time, keep safe and thank you for all the work you're doing,

Andrew Hall,

Specialist Safeguarding Consultant,
Success In Schools Ltd.





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