2022 Key Stage 4 June Checking Exercise
FAO: All Schools / All Phases
Further to our email sent last week regarding results day collections for KS5 and KS4 this summer (including templates and guidance notes), we are sharing the below information we received from the DfE.
Please note that the DfE has sent the email below directly to all schools as well.
2022 Key Stage 4 June Checking Exercise
Please see below the information we have sent to schools and colleges within your area regarding the 2022 Key Stage 4 June Checking Exercise.
Action required by 5:00pm 24 June 2022:
Schools and colleges should login to the June checking exercise website to check that we have attributed the correct pupils to your school or college for the purposes of calculating 2022 school and college performance measures.
The June checking exercise will be the only opportunity for all state funded schools, independent schools and FE colleges with 14 to 16 provision to check that we have attributed the correct pupils to your school or college to calculate performance measures.
You can also submit the following amendment requests, if necessary:
- add or include pupils
- remove pupils who have left the school or college
- remove pupils that meet certain criteria (even if they remain on roll)
- limited characteristics amendments
- key stage 2 results amendments
We will reflect all accepted June pupil amendments, for state funded schools, in the provisional performance publication in October 2022.
You can access the secure checking exercise website between 9:30am on Monday 13 June and 5:00pm on Friday 24 June 2022. You will be able to download guidance on how to check that we have attributed the correct pupils to your school or college and how to submit amendment requests, if necessary. Please read this guidance.
You must submit all amendment requests and upload any supporting documentation by 5:00pm on Friday 24 June 2022.
Checking school or college details:
We take establishment information, such as the headteacher/principal and the school or college address for the performance measures from Get Information about Schools (GIAS). It is important that you check your school or college’s information, including your DfE number, in GIAS. Failure to do so may result in incorrect information being published about your school or college.
Website details:
To access the checking exercise, please go to:
Select ‘2022 KS4 June Checking Exercise’ and log in with your username and password.
- If you have forgotten your username, please use the ‘Forgotten Username’ link on the website.
- If you have forgotten your password or it has expired please use the ‘Forgotten Password’ link on the website
If you need further help logging in, please follow the appropriate instructions on the checking website. You can access these instructions using the links at the bottom of the ‘2022 KS4 June Checking Exercise’ login screen.
If you do not have a Headteacher/Principal Account you must complete the following actions here:
- click the ‘Contact Us’ link on the home page and complete the form, selecting ‘New Headteacher/Principal Account’ under ‘Enquiry type’. You will then need to:
- confirm your full name
- confirm your school or college’s DfE number
- confirm you are the headteacher/principal
- confirm your official headteacher/principal email address
- provide a contact telephone number
We will action your request and create a new account. We will email the account details to you.
You will then be able to create and manage login accounts for your chosen staff members.
Please review and, if necessary, update your details on GIAS before requesting a Headteacher/Principal Account.
It is important for the headteacher/principal to log into the June checking exercise website to check the current usernames and accounts held for the school or college. User accounts can only be created and deleted by the headteacher/principal. Please make sure you create adequate user accounts to complete the June checking exercise.
Helpline Enquiries:
For enquiries about the school and college checking exercises only, please contact the schools helpline by submitting a ‘Contact Us’ request or by telephone on 0845 3077867.
Francesca Falcini
SEYIS Data Manager