Safeguarding Briefing - 6th June 2022
Dear All,
Updated - Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022
Just a note to say that KCSIE 2022 has had a few tweaks and was republished on 31st May 2022. The links in paragraphs 141 and 210 have been updated and paragraph cross-referencing has been corrected.
There are no material changes - just make sure you have download and saved the latest version.
The most up to date version can always be found here:
'Regularly reviewing school filtering' (LGfL)
KCSIE has always expected schools to 'ensure [they] have appropriate filters and monitoring systems in place'. The latest version, in force from September 2022, adds that these systems should be 'regularly' reviewed.
Although technicians will do the technical work, decisions on what should be allowed are the responsibility of the DSL who should be aiming to keep children safe whilst being 'careful that ‘over blocking’ does not lead to unreasonable restrictions' (KCSIE). DSLs should see filtering as a strategic safeguarding tool and feel confident to get involved and be the decision maker.
London Grid for Learning (LGfL), whose training can be attended by anyone (not just London schools), has a 20 minute non-technical online session to give DSLs and other school leaders a quick overview of web filtering and identify the questions to discuss with the tech team to audit your filtering system.
'Web filtering in 20 minutes' is next available on Tuesday 7th June and Tuesday 5th July. For more details and to book, go to:
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Hidden Men
Safeguarding practice reviews (formerly known as serious case reviews) often find that the role men play in children's home lives is not always understood by social workers, or indeed, schools. Sometimes the person being referred to as 'dad' may not even be the same man throughout the notes. It is important that we understand the impact of these 'hidden men'.
Useful resources and articles
Hidden men: learning from case reviews
“The Myth of Invisible Men”
The Myth of Invisible Men: fathers who kill or injure their babies
Online Event: Challenges and Opportunities in the Engagement and Assessment of Fathers in Child Safeguarding (Association of Child Protection Professionals)
Thursday 7th July 2022 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM Non-members tickets: £205
Booking Information:
Understanding men who perpetrate domestic abuse (Russell Webster)
Russell Webster is an independent consultant specialising in the fields of substance misuse and crime. Recently Russell published a guest post 'The Complex pathways to violence in the home' by Kerry Ellis Devitt from the University of Portsmouth. In the post, Kerry discusses her team's research findings which aimed to identify who the perpetrators of domestic abuse are; and the early signs that may indicate someone is at risk of becoming abusive in future
This article is well-worth the time to read, as it clearly presents some of the main issues involved, and importantly, the potential actions for practice and practitioners.
Read the article here:
Female Genital Mutilation reporting procedures
Where there is a disclosure of FGM it is important that staff know what their statutory response should be. Keeping Children Safe in Education (2021), paragraph 40 says 'whilst **all** staff should speak to the designated safeguarding lead (or deputy) with regard to any concerns about female genital mutilation (FGM), there is a specific **legal duty on teachers**. If a teacher, in the course of their work in the profession, discovers that an act of FGM appears to have been carried out on a girl under the age of 18, the teacher must report this to the police'. (Words in bold are taken from the text)
What is often less well-know is what a teacher should do next to make a report.
Below is a very short summary and must be read in conjunction with the mandatory reporting guidance. (See
The mandatory reporting procedures say:
'It is recommended that you make a report orally by calling 101, the single non-emergency number.'
'Where there is a risk to life or likelihood of serious immediate harm, professionals should report the case immediately to police, including dialling 999 if appropriate'.
In most cases 'reports under the duty should be made as soon as possible after a case is discovered, and best practice is for reports to be made by the close of the next working day'.
The procedures also set out what information is needed, in order to make a report.
See here:
Forthcoming Events
Implementing the role of the Senior Mental Health Lead (DfE Course Code SMHL105)
This is our DfE Quality Assured course for Senior Mental Health Leads. The course is self-paced learning using the resources in our SMHL.Pro Hub. The course cost £397+VAT, some schools are eligible for a grant to cover this cost.
For more details, go to:
Advanced Safeguarding for DSLs
This is a four-session course for DSLs over a full-day. The course is offered live and as a recorded replay. When the course is live, there are plenty of opportunities to contribute with observations, questions or answers. As a recording, the interactions from other people are included and feedback notes that this makes it feel like you are not on your own.
"I came to a session in Birmingham back in 2019 (the day after the GE I think) and it was superb. Today [online] was just as good, if not better. The use of video mixed with live speaking was excellent and goes way beyond what other safeguarding courses provide. You've been there and done it, and your openness with your own story is inspirational."
...and available online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your convenience BOOK NOW
LIVE ON LOCATION remember that you can book Andrew to visit your school, cluster or MAT to share his DSL course. Please contact us for details and bookings.
Whole School Safeguarding CPD Online Session
In this two and half hour online presentation aimed at staff in all roles, specialist safeguarding consultant, Andrew Hall, explores important aspects of safeguarding in schools including child protection, learning from case studies and the latest version of Keeping Children Safe in Education.
"I would like to extend my thanks to Andrew for his fantastic online training. It was filmed so well - almost as if he were here with us! We were kept engaged throughout and felt so well informed - a huge thank you. It was a real success, and we look forward to booking you again in the future - with the staff team saying it was the best safeguarding training they have ever had. We really appreciated Andrew's real-life storytelling and the way such sensitive information was shared - it was excellent training."
You book your online session here:
Until next time, keep safe and thank you for all the work you're doing,
Andrew Hall,
Specialist Safeguarding Consultant,
Success In Schools Ltd.