Salix Low Carbon Skills Fund Phase 3

FAO: All Schools & Academies - Head Teachers and School Business Managers

This notification is to advise Schools that the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy with Salix Finance have announced the latest rounds of Low Carbon Skills Fund Phase 3 for the development of heat decarbonisation plans.

The fund launches at midday on 15th June 2022 at 2pm and is expected to have extremely high demand.

The funding supports Academy and Maintained Schools to seek expert consultant support to undertake feasibility exercises to develop a heat decarbonisation plan for their buildings. All plans must be completed by March 2023.

The council intends to re-apply to this fund on behalf of maintained schools previously engaged for the Phase 2 LCSF opportunity. If there are specific questions regarding this opportunity, please contact

The fund is open to all state schools should they want to directly apply for funding to procure their own consultants to undertake a study in line with the funding criteria. The council will endeavour to work with more schools in the future as and when funding phases becomes available.

More information can be found below, including upcoming webinars:

What makes a good Heat Decarbonisation Plan - Tuesday 7 June, 2pm

Preparation for the Low Carbon Skills Fund application - Wednesday 8 June, 10am

Drop in session - Tuesday 14 June, 12noon

Schools interested in future opportunities are recommended to register for Salix updates

It is expected that the next round of Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme funding will be announced later this summer.

Tilly Ford, Climate Action & Sustainability Lead Officer,