Exemplification material – Early Years Foundation Stage Profile assessment

FAO: Primary and All Through Schools

Please click on the link below to find exemplification materials published by The Department for Education to provide support for schools when completing the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) assessment for children at the end of reception year. These are a collection of case study videos that demonstrate teachers and leaders having professional discussions about individual children’s development and their EYFSP judgements.


To explain the changes and what is different this year, a vodcast for schools, multi-academy trusts and local authorities is also been published. Please access the vodcast by clicking on the link below.


These videos will help schools to understand and use the new early learning goals (ELGs) and profile assessment under the 2021 EYFS framework.

The videos are designed to help schools understand and use the new early learning goals (ELGs) and profile assessment under the 2021 EYFS framework. Schools do not need to replicate the discussions held in the videos. The videos include a combination of children who have met and not met the expected levels of development across the ELGs, with teachers discussing how they came to those judgements.


Francesca Falcini

SEYIS Data Manager
