Procurement - Group Purchasing


Further to the SBM Forum meeting yesterday, I wanted to follow up with you all on the Procurement element discussed.

As you all know, I am passionate about ensuring all our borough schools achieve value for money for the benefit of the children. Economies of scale dictate that the more schools that purchase together, cheaper prices can be achieved. We can also explore borough wide SLA`s that allow us to reinvest funds back into your schools. There are cases where the Local Authority already has robust contracts in place where you as a school may be able to piggy-back on to and purchase cheaper items than by you dealing directly with your suppliers.

For this reason, I have created a Survey Monkey to gauge interest from you on what you would like to procure. I have made some suggestions but would like to hear from many of you to see if there is particular interest in any other items that could be pursued collectively.


Together we are stronger!

Best Wishes