Webinars for schools on attendance best practice
The department is continuing the series of school attendance best practice webinars. This series focusses on how a variety of schools across the country have maintained or improved their attendance levels, and the approaches they have taken.
Below is a list of the upcoming webinars:
All webinars will be recorded and shared through the improving attendance good practice for schools and multi-academy trusts web page.
Update for schools on the daily attendance data collection trial
Thank you to the 12,500 schools that have already agreed to share data with us for the automated daily attendance data trial. This is the first step towards improving how data is collected, and wide participation will help DfE to explore long term solutions that are less burdensome for schools.
If you have not already agreed to share your daily data, the process is quick and simple. Once schools agree to the request, through Wonde on their desktop, the DfE daily attendance data icon will be displayed.
For more information, we have set up share your daily school attendance data on GOV.UK, which includes:
- daily attendance data collection guidance
- privacy notice
- data protection impact assessment
- principles of data use
If you have questions about the trial, data protection, how to agree to share your data, or any technical queries please e-mail Wonde support.
If you would like to help shape reporting or get access to reports from the trial, please register your interest.
Information for schools on how to take part in a Day for Ukraine
Schools are able to take part in a Day for Ukraine on Wednesday 16 March. It is being organised by First News in partnership with the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) to raise funds for their appeal.
Pupils are asked to wear blue and yellow and donate £1, if they can. Other activities can be organised, such as a sponsored walk or a bake sale.
More details of the fundraiser, including the link for donations, is available on the First News Education website.
The information below has not changed since our last update
Department for Education COVID-19 helpline
The Department for Education COVID-19 helpline is available to answer any questions you have about COVID-19 relating to education and childcare settings and children’s social care.
Department for Education guidance
Our guidance to support education and childcare providers, local authorities and parents during the COVID-19 pandemic can be accessed using the links below: