Ofsted Primary School Inspections Webinar
FAO: Primary School Heads, Senior Leaders, Subject Leaders, Governors
Ofsted has produced a helpful video explaining inspection methodology, with clarifications on how inspectors evaluate subject leadership and early reading, and how they conduct ‘deep dives’.
The Webinar was held on 28 March 2022 for schools on how inspectors inspect against the education inspection framework (EIF) in primary schools. Includes clarification on deep dives, subject leadership in primary schools, and early reading. Presented by Christopher Russell, National Director Education; Gill Jones, Deputy Director Schools and Early Education; Kirsty Godfrey HMI, Specialist Adviser, Policy, Quality and Training; and Daniel Lambert HMI.
Watch the video at youtube.com/watch?v=EoTkG5vdYJA
Dani Lang – Senior School Improvement Advisor for
Safeguarding & Inclusion