Safeguarding Briefing - 14th November 2022

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Safeguarding Briefing from Andrew Hall





Safeguarding Briefing - 14th November 2022

Dear Colleague

CORRECTION Working definition of trauma-informed practice 

Last week I shared a working definition of trauma-informed practice which I mistakenly attributed to the DfE. This definition had been published by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities.

Developing trauma-informed practice has much to offer when we look to support children and young people and it is a pity that the DfE has not yet strengthened schools to improve and develop their knowledge in this approach.

You can find more about trauma-informed practice in schools here:

Trauma Informed Schools UK

Young Minds

Developing trauma-informed practices in inner London Schools (Research in Practice)

Incidentally, I was recommended this book. 

What Happened to You?: Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing Oprah Winfrey and Dr Bruce Perry (Bluebird)

Oprah Winfrey and renowned brain development and trauma expert, Dr Bruce Perry, discuss the impact of trauma and adverse experiences and how healing must begin with a shift to asking 'What happened to you?' rather than 'What’s wrong with you?'.

Through wide-ranging and often deeply personal conversation, Oprah Winfrey and Dr Perry explore how what happens to us in early childhood – both good and bad - influences the people we become. 

Buy the book from Amazon

Buy the book from Waterstones

Article: Dr. Bruce Perry Discusses Trauma and Healing

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When Ofsted Inspects Safeguarding (LGfL)

Ofsted inspections cause lots of anxiety for school staff, especially when it comes to safeguarding.  We have created two resources to help prepare and hopefully therefore reduce anxiety. 

Inspectors are looking to see a culture of safeguarding and a whole-school (not tickbox) approach; but what does that mean in practice and how can you work towards this?  Click below to view either:

  • key mentions of safeguarding in the Inspection Handbook, followed by questions for self-review and resources to support you with these areas
  • 12 short videos from a DSL who has recently been through three Ofsteds, giving an overview of what they focussed on, what the process looked like, what was asked in meetings and how inspectors interacted with staff and students.

Find out more:

Improving attendance: good practice for schools and multi-academy trusts (DfE)

Attendance is an important aspect of safeguarding, and the academic progress of children and young people. The DfE has released a set of webinars to help schools and Multi-Academy Trusts to improve attendance and how to create an effective school-level attendance policy.

Watch the videos here:

Latest statistics on Children in Need in England (Children's Commissioner)

The latest Department for Education (DfE) figures show that there were just over 400,000 children in need as of March 31st 2022, which is a slight increase on previous years. More older children are being referred to children's services. In March 2022, a quarter of children in need were aged 16 and 17, a 7% rise since 2015.

The most common factor identified at the end of a child’s assessment was concern about the child’s parent or carer being the victim of domestic abuse (31% of episodes with assessment factor information).

Concerns around the mental health of children has increased during 2022, and now account for 13% of referrals.

The Children's Commissioner's briefing can be found here:

You can find the data here:

Safeguarding.Pro Member Call

Wednesday 30th November 2022 4.15 - 5.15pm

In addition to your questions, the key topic will be a look at the updated Prevent Duty guidance for schools.

If you are already a member of Safeguarding.Pro, please sign up by going to:

If you would like to be with us in the next Member Call, go to

Online harm and abuse: learning from case reviews (NSPCC)

Published case reviews highlight that the online world presents a growing number of challenges for those working to protect children and young people from harm and abuse. For example, children may be exposed to harmful content online, or be subjected to online grooming, sexual abuse and exploitation.

This briefing from the NSPCC looks at case reviews published over the last seven years where online harm or abuse was a key factor.

Read the report here:

Safeguarding Awareness for Parents & Carers (Football Association)

Every week millions of children play football, many of them in organised clubs and organisations. As part of its safeguarding response, the Football Association has created a safeguarding course for parents.

The course is designed to help parents make informed choices about the football settings where they enrol their children. The course helps parents recognise best practice and see where there may be concerns, so that they can report them quickly and effectively.

This free course can be found here:

Forthcoming Courses

Implementing the role of the Senior Mental Health Lead (DfE Course Code SMHL105)

This is our DfE Quality Assured course for Senior Mental Health Leads. The course offers self-paced learning using the resources in our SMHL.Pro Hub, which is available for 12 months. Each month there is a live online member check-in to catch up with your tutors and each other. The course cost £397+VAT, some schools are eligible for a grant to cover this cost.

For more details, go to:

Advanced Safeguarding for DSLs

This is a four-session course for DSLs over a full-day. The course is offered live and as a recorded replay. When the course is live, there are plenty of opportunities to contribute with observations, questions or answers. As a recording, the interactions from other people are included and feedback notes that this makes it feel like you are not on your own.

"I came to a session in Birmingham back in 2019 (the day after the GE I think) and it was superb. Today [online] was just as good, if not better. The use of video mixed with live speaking was excellent and goes way beyond what other safeguarding courses provide. You've been there and done it, and your openness with your own story is inspirational." 

LIVE ONLINE Thursday 17th November 2022 BOOK NOW

...and available online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your convenience BOOK NOW

LIVE ON LOCATION remember that you can book Andrew to visit your school, cluster or MAT to share his DSL course. Please contact us for details and bookings.

Whole School Safeguarding CPD Online Session for 2022/2023

In this two and half hour online presentation aimed at staff in all roles, specialist safeguarding consultant, Andrew Hall, explores important aspects of safeguarding in schools including child protection, learning from case studies and the latest version of Keeping Children Safe in Education.

"In my excitement, I forgot to add our star rating to the Safeguarding training we have just watched. If we could, we would give it 10 stars! That was the best Safeguarding training we have ever had, thank you so much. Feedback from staff has, so far, been overwhelmingly positive…I can't thank you enough."

"I would like to extend my thanks to Andrew for his fantastic online training. It was filmed so well - almost as if he were here with us! We were kept engaged throughout and felt so well informed - a huge thank you. It was a real success, and we look forward to booking you again in the future - with the staff team saying it was the best safeguarding training they have ever had. We really appreciated Andrew's real-life storytelling and the way such sensitive information was shared - it was excellent training."

You book your online session here:


Until next time, keep safe and thank you for all the work you're doing,


Andrew Hall
Specialist Safeguarding Consultant,
Success In Schools Ltd. 







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