Enfield Inclusion Charter Launch Event
FAO: Primary School/Special Primary Schools – Headteachers, SENCOs, School Leaders, Professionals that work in Schools
We would like to invite you to our virtual launch to celebrate Enfield’s inclusive ethos and launch of the Inclusion Charter. The Enfield Inclusion Charter is a set of 8 principles for early years settings, schools and colleges to commit to providing an inclusive education for children and young people in Enfield. It has been developed by children and young people, headteachers, teachers, parents and carers, council officers, health partners and voluntary sector organisations through a series of workshops, focus groups and presentations of best practice.
We’re excited to launch the Inclusion Charter after the amazing journey we have been on with a variety of stakeholders and can’t wait to continue the next step of the journey with you all. Most of you will know this has been a passion project of mine personally, and the councils for many years. The culture of inclusive practice ensures all learners can access the best education, and all learners feel welcomed, valued, and that they get the right support to help them develop their talents and achieve their goals.
We hope that you are able to join us on Tuesday 18th October at 3.30pm via Teams – all the details are on the attached flyer or you can access the link below:-
Microsoft Teams meeting
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Dani Lang
Senior School Improvement Advisor for Safeguarding & Inclusion