Safeguarding Briefing - 31st October 2022

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Safeguarding Briefing - 31st October 2022

Dear Colleague

New information and resources for the Prevent Duty (DfE)

The government has updated and redeveloped its resources for schools around the Prevent Duty.

The Prevent duty: safeguarding learners vulnerable to radicalisation (DfE)

This updated guidance reflects learning since the implementation of the Prevent Duty in 2015 under section 26 of the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015. The materials have been developed by frontline practitioners in local authorities, with support from the Department for Education. This guidance is for designated safeguarding leads (DSLs); and those who working in education settings who have safeguarding responsibilities for keeping children, young people and adult learners safe in schools, colleges and further education independent training providers.

The guidance is designed to explain the Prevent referral process and the statutory responsibilities to keep children, young people and adult learners safe from the risk of extremist ideology or radicalisation; and will prepare DSLs to respond effectively and get support for people who may be being exploited by radicalising influences. Sections in the guidance include:

  • The Prevent duty: an introduction for those with safeguarding responsibilities
  • Understanding and identifying radicalisation risk in your education setting
  • Managing risk of radicalisation in your education setting
  • Case studies

Find out more here:

Prevent duty self-assessment tool for schools (DfE)

This guidance applies to schools in England identified in Ofsted’s education inspection framework, including:

  • local-authority-maintained schools
  • academies
  • non-association independent schools
  • registered early years settings

This self-assessment tool has been designed to assist schools in England to review their Prevent related responsibilities in line with:

  • Section 26 of the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 (CTSA)
  • Ofsted's Education Inspection Framework (EIF) 2022

The tool helps schools to understand how well embedded their existing policies and practices are, and to encourage a cycle of continuous review and improvement.

Use of the tool is not mandatory but contains both requirements and recommended good practice activities to meet those requirements. The tool should be read in conjunction with the Prevent duty guidance and the Education Inspection Framework (EIF)

Find the self-assessment tool here:

Making a referral to Prevent (DfE)

Safeguarding children, young people and adult learners from extremism or radicalisation is no different to other types of safeguarding harms, many of which are interconnected.

A Prevent referral is not an accusation of criminality and will not affect a person’s education or career prospects. Instead, it allows for their circumstances to be assessed and any relevant safeguarding support to be provided.

DSLs should exercise their professional judgment about whether a referral is appropriate, as they do for all other safeguarding risks.

This guidance from the DfE also suggests whole school an individual interventions.

Find out more here:

Addressing emotionally-based school avoidance (EBSA) (Anna Freud Centre)

The 2022 Attendance Audit from the Children’s Commissioner found that in Autumn 2021, 1 in 4 children were persistently absent. In 2018/2019, this figure was 1 in 9 – meaning that persistent absence has more than doubled in this time period.

Emotionally-based school avoidance is a term referring to reduced or nonattendance at school by a child or young person. Rather than the term ‘school refusal’, the term EBSA recognises that this avoidance has its root in emotional, mental health or wellbeing issues.

This resource from the Anna Freud Centre looks at emotionally-based school avoidance (EBSA) and shares ideas to help education staff address the issue, including:

  • an introduction to the topic of EBSA
  • explores some of the potential risk factors
  • provides strategies and tips to help education staff tackle the issue.

To access the EBSA Resource, go to:

Safer Internet Day 2023 (UK Safer Internet Centre)
Tuesday 7th February 2023

Safer Internet Day 2023 will take place on the 7th of February 2023, with celebrations and learning based around the theme ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online’.

The UK will be celebrating by putting children and young people’s voices at the heart of the day and encouraging them to shape the online safety support that they receive.

To find out more and register your support, go to:

Forthcoming Courses

Implementing the role of the Senior Mental Health Lead (DfE Course Code SMHL105)

This is our DfE Quality Assured course for Senior Mental Health Leads. The course is self-paced learning using the resources in our SMHL.Pro Hub. The course cost £397+VAT, some schools are eligible for a grant to cover this cost.

For more details, go to:

Advanced Safeguarding for DSLs

This is a four-session course for DSLs over a full-day. The course is offered live and as a recorded replay. When the course is live, there are plenty of opportunities to contribute with observations, questions or answers. As a recording, the interactions from other people are included and feedback notes that this makes it feel like you are not on your own.

"I came to a session in Birmingham back in 2019 (the day after the GE I think) and it was superb. Today [online] was just as good, if not better. The use of video mixed with live speaking was excellent and goes way beyond what other safeguarding courses provide. You've been there and done it, and your openness with your own story is inspirational." 

LIVE ONLINE Thursday 17th November 2022 BOOK NOW

...and available online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your convenience BOOK NOW

LIVE ON LOCATION remember that you can book Andrew to visit your school, cluster or MAT to share his DSL course. Please contact us for details and bookings.

Whole School Safeguarding CPD Online Session for 2022/2023

In this two and half hour online presentation aimed at staff in all roles, specialist safeguarding consultant, Andrew Hall, explores important aspects of safeguarding in schools including child protection, learning from case studies and the latest version of  Keeping Children Safe in Education.

"In my excitement, I forgot to add our star rating to the Safeguarding training we have just watched. If we could, we would give it 10 stars! That was the best Safeguarding training we have ever had, thank you so much. Feedback from staff has, so far, been overwhelmingly positive…I can't thank you enough."

"I would like to extend my thanks to Andrew for his fantastic online training. It was filmed so well - almost as if he were here with us! We were kept engaged throughout and felt so well informed - a huge thank you. It was a real success, and we look forward to booking you again in the future - with the staff team saying it was the best safeguarding training they have ever had. We really appreciated Andrew's real-life storytelling and the way such sensitive information was shared - it was excellent training."

You book your online session here:

Until next time, keep safe and thank you for all the work you're doing,

Andrew Hall
Specialist Safeguarding Consultant,
Success In Schools Ltd