Inclusion Charter

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Where has the Inclusion Charter come from?

  • Equality - SEND focus
  • Research - better achievement in mainstream schools
  • Review -  Ernst & Young re: High Needs Budget
  • Pressure on specialist places – higher demand, declining school numbers

The Enfield Inclusion Charter is a set of 8 principles for early years settings, schools and colleges to commit to providing an inclusive education for children and young people in Enfield. The Charter has been developed by children and young people, headteachers, teachers, parents and carers, council officers, health partners and voluntary sector organisations through a series of workshops, focus groups and presentations of best practice. At the heart of this, is a culture where we embrace difference; where barriers are minimised or removed; and where the everyday lived experience, interests and needs of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) are better understood.

Schools and settings who sign up to this Charter are enabling children and young people living in Enfield to receive an inclusive education in the borough in which they live. This means they can contribute to and be supported by their local community.

An inclusive school will lead to:

  • More teachers trained to support children and young people with a range of needs
  • Reduce the number of exclusions
  • Schools welcoming children and young people from the borough with a range of needs, with support by the local authority

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Dani Lang – Senior School Improvement Advisor for Safeguarding & Inclusion