Information for all Parents and Carers

For all Parents & Carers via all schools and Early Years including Academy, Colleges, School Business Mangers, Pastoral Lead, Safeguarding Lead, Welfare Officers and Headteachers

We’ve included posters in six community languages along with some campaign info below.

Please share this campaign messaging and attached posters (and translated posters, where appropriate) widely with parents and carers before schools break up for the holidays.

Thank you in advance.

Messaging for parents:

Expert advice and guidance on children’s illnesses and injuries now available in a range of community languages

It can be really worrying when your child is poorly and you’re trying to decide what to do for the best. A new NHS service available in Enfield means parents and carers can now quickly get expert advice about common childhood illnesses and injuries in a range of community languages. The service explains how to check symptoms and advice on when and where to get help.

You can quickly find information approved by medical professionals about conditions including coughs, fever, head injuries, diarrhoea, rashes, and breathing problems in a wide range of languages. You can choose whether to read the advice, listen to it, or watch a short film to help you decide what to do next.

Find out more by scanning the QR codes in the attached poster, or go to Help for parents and carers in north central London - North Central London Integrated Care System (

Background messaging for schools:

Raising awareness of expert NHS guidance for children’s winter illnesses and injuries

A multi-lingual campaign created by NHS and council services in Enfield to share information with parents and carers on a wide range of common illnesses, including how to check for symptoms and when and where to seek help, has been launched in north central London.

The Healthier Together online advice service allows parents and carers to quickly get expert guidance on common childhood illnesses and injuries that has been approved by medical professionals. The information, available in a range of community languages, covers conditions including coughs, fever, head injuries, diarrhoea, rashes, and breathing problems.

Parents can choose whether to read the advice, listen to it, or watch a short film to help them decide what to do next – in a choice of languages. Advice is linked to a child’s symptoms and parents are given guidance on the best course of action for their child.

Research has shown that these resources may be of particular benefit to parents in Enfield, and materials are enclosed for all schools, early years centres, and other children’s sites in the borough.

Campaign materials are also being shared more widely with GPs, pharmacists, and other community sites in Enfield and across other north central London boroughs.

As well as making use of the attached posters via school book bags and updates, parents and carers can find out more and get translated information at Help for parents and carers in north central London - North Central London Integrated Care System (

The campaign messaging will be amplified by a digital advertising van which will be travelling across Enfield on Friday 15, Mon 18 and Tues 19 December 2023.