Virtual School Policies & Free Pupil Voice Resources
For all Schools, Phases & Head Teachers
Please find attached updated PPG and Suspension Policies for Enfield LAC for 2023-2024
Enfield Virtual School statutory DT training is taking place on the 28th November, spaces are still available. The training occurs once every two years so please make sure that all Enfield DT’s for LAC and PLAC reserve their space.
Virtual School for LAC,HEART Team -
Please see attached poster for info.
Free Pupil Voice resource
Enfield Virtual School have funded ANSPEAR to provide free access to ANSPEAR’s Pupil Perceptions survey for all Enfield schools. Schools can undertake the survey with all or
some of the children at your school and the survey will provide you with “in-depth reports and analysis about the wellbeing and 'readiness for learning' of all your pupils broken down
by year group, gender, ethnicity, religion and mode of transport [etc]to really be able to detect patterns … ,offer very specific support” and demonstrate the impact of your schools’
interventions. This is a really useful tool to support schools with developing pupil voice and measuring pupils school experience.
Results regarding Enfield LAC, CiN & CP will be shared with Enfield Virtual School to support us to monitor the wellbeing of our vulnerable young people in school and tailor our support
to ensure that we are meeting the needs of our school community. Please see attached information which outlines how to sign up