2024 Check Your Performance Measures Data - School and College Checking Exercises

For all all Primary and Secondary Headteachers and Data Managers

Following the DfE’s 11 March communications on the end of the 2022/23 performance data cycle, they are writing to inform you about the changes to the 2023/24 performance measures data checking exercise.

For the academic year 2023/24, the management and production of performance measures data will be delivered by the Department for Education (DfE).

In previous years, the DfE has worked with an external contractor to produce and share school and college performance measures data, this included delivering the school and college checking exercises.  

This new DfE service is called ‘Check Your Performance Measures Data’ (CYPMD) and will include the administration of the 2024 school and college checking exercises.  

They have written to headteachers and principals of open primary schools, secondary schools, state funded schools with 16 to 18 provision, registered independent schools and FE sector to inform them about the official launch of the new CYPMD helpdesk. In addition to the helpdesk there will also be a new portal that will facilitate the 2024 checking exercises and help line. The email to schools and colleges also sets out their planned schedule for the 2024 checking exercises for key stage 2, key stage 4 and 16 to 18.

Schools will have received this communication if the correct contact details are on ‘Get information about schools’ (GIAS). Please ensure you keep this particular information up to date.

Many thanks

The Seyis Team (on behalf of the DfE)

Francesca Falcini

School and Early Years Data Manager

School and Early Years Improvement Service – Education