Invitation to an open afternoon at Winchmore Hill Quakers
For all RE Leads and Teachers of RE
Dear friends,
We warmly invite you to an open afternoon with Winchmore Hill Quakers on Saturday 15th March from 3.30pm to 6.30pm.
This will be an opportunity to visit our historic Meeting House, to learn from our members about the Quaker Faith, and to experience a Quaker meeting for worship. The event is open to all. You can let us know in advance that you are coming, or just turn up on the day.
We are at the Friends Meeting House, 59 Church Hill, Winchmore Hill, N21 1LE
To reply, email or phone Bob Newsom on 07939 358 672.
See the attached flyer for more information.
Yours in friendship,
Bob Newsom
Debbie Gates,
Community Development Officer, People dept