Terms of Reference

Context and Rationale
The 97 schools in the London Borough of Enfield are a variety of local authority maintained schools, foundation and voluntary aided schools, stand-alone academies, small MATS and schools part of larger regional/national MAT chains. There are also a number of federations and charitable trusts set up to enable groups of schools to work together.
Feedback from school visits and discussions with headteacher groups have indicated a strong desire for a greater partnership with the local authority in terms of decision making and also to enable greater transparency and ownership over decisions. There has also been a desire for a “One Enfield” approach where all involved in education in the borough share the same vision for excellence for all children and young people in our schools.
There is so much that is really good or indeed excellent about education in the borough, but Enfield schools also face a number of challenges. Pupil progress overall in both primary and secondary sectors is above average but there is considerable variation between schools. This is also the case with pupil attainment which is generally in line or above the national average (except at KS1) but with wide variations. Academic attainment when measured against other London local authorities tends to be in the lower quartile. Underlying this data is relatively low achievement for disadvantaged children and some minority ethnic groups. There are also a number of schools judged by Ofsted to be RI. In addition, fixed term exclusions are too high as is the incidence of youth violence.
A number of local authorities in partnership with schools and other stakeholders have created forums or boards with the intention of raising achievement, promoting excellence and enabling dialogue between key partners. There are a variety of models within these partnership boards and it is the intention to create a Learning Excellence Partnership Board in Enfield specifically to address and meet local needs.
These include:
Raising attainment across all key stages to at least the London average
Ensuring all Enfield schools are judged by Ofsted to be at least good
Improving outcomes at Post 16 and ensuring quality vocational and academic provision.
Addressing high levels of fixed term exclusions
Addressing the high levels of youth violence
Effectively meeting the needs of pupils with special needs including mental health needs
Pupil place planning
Aims and Objectives of the Enfield Learning Excellence Partnership (ELEP)
ELEP is a partnership arrangement which takes collective responsibility for driving improvement for children & young people in Enfield schools and colleges.
It is committed to ensuring all children and young people in Enfield have the chance to achieve their full potential.
It is ambitious for every child and young person and seeks to provide the appropriate support and challenge within a school-led system of school improvement
The purpose of the ELEP will be:
To provide strategic guidance to the Council and its officers
To support Council decision making and enhance educational outcomes across Enfield
Review the data and evidence about the progress of schools individually and collectively.
Determines the overall strategy for school improvement and promotes this to schools
Identifies priorities for improvements and agrees how these should be addressed
Regularly reviews the impact of the work of all partners to support school improvement.
ELEP will be able to
- Set up individual sub-groups as required
- Request reports to be submitted as appropriate
- It will have the capacity to oversee funding that that may become available
It will meet once per quarter. The first meeting will be used to identify its objectives for the following 12 months and agree an initial first year plan
Partnership Board Membership
It is proposed to engage an independent chair.
Membership of the board will be as follows:
Maintained Primary and Primary Academy Schools | 6 reps (Minimum of two reps from maintained and academy sector) |
Maintained Secondary and Academy Schools | 2 reps (Minimum of one rep from maintained and academy sector) |
Maintained Special Schools and Special Academies | 2 reps |
16-19 Providers | 2 reps |
Diocesan body representatives | 3 reps |
(LA) Director of Education & Head of School & Early Years Improvement | |
(LA) Executive Director of Peoples (DCS) | |
(LA) Lead Member for Children and Families |
Election process: special, primary and secondary schools
Selection for board membership will be through the respective Enfield headteacher associations.
Term of office
The term of office for elected members of the Board will be two years normally commencing on 1 September in any given year.
Where a position on the Forum falls vacant before the term of office has run its full course, the person newly elected to that position will initially serve out the remainder of that term of office only.
A member’s term of office will lapse if he/she fails to attend two consecutive
meetings, without giving reasons for absence which have been accepted by the Board.
Frequency of meetings
The Board will normally meet four times during each year.
A meeting will be quorate if 50% of the total membership is present. The
presence of substitutes at a meeting will count towards the quorum.
Voting will be by a show of hands, or by a recorded vote if requested.
Each member shall have one vote. In the case of an equality of votes, whether on a show of hands or a recorded vote, the Chair shall be entitled to an additional casting vote.
Named substitutes may attend and vote at meetings of the Board on behalf of members who are unable to attend.
Local authority attendance at meetings
Local authority officers (other than those named above) can attend when they are providing specific specialist or technical advice.