Enfield Maintained Schools - Statutory and Core Offer

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The offer is without charge and is in line with the local authority discharging its statutory intervention functions and is set out in the School Intervention and Support Programme.

This enables the LBE to fulfil its basic statutory duties and local priorities for school improvement. We recommend that this support is complemented by our traded offer.

  • One half day visits offered from the allocated school improvement adviser to provide advice on school self review and improvement and commissioning plans across the academic year.
  • The provision of a school improvement adviser point of contact for schools having Section 5/8 Ofsted inspection and visits, and the attendance of an LA officer at the final feedback meeting.
  • Additional half-day targeted adviser quality assurance advice for Early Years settings & in SEN resource provision where this is identified as a significant area for development.
  • Statutory advice and support for Governors, including an induction package, production of Instruments of Government, LA Governor appointments, half-termly Governors’ newsletter, monthly Governor surgeries, support for Chairs and LA governors through Member Governor Forum.
  • Statutory Assessment moderation and security visits in Early Years, Key Stage 1 & 2.
  • A local programme of induction support for Headteachers.
  • Access to ‘school to School' brokered support.
  • Statutory advice and guidance for Governing Bodies on the appointment of Headteachers, and attendance and support with final appointment panel.
  • The provision of an locally agreed RE syllabus and related training.
  • Statutory advice and support for education, training and employment pathways for young people 14–19, in line with Raising the Participation Age.
  • In line with the SEN Codes of Practice – support from suitable qualified SEN Careers Advisors to work with SENCOs with regard to young people with an EHCP who are at risk of disengagement.
  • Access to information from Enfield Education and borough partners

Enfield Maintained schools – additional support

Additional intervention and support will be provided for schools identified by Ofsted to be requiring improvement, or inadequate.

Also, schools identified locally as red or amber will receive additional support:

Ofsted requiring improvement schools and those locally identified as amber:

Additional LA adviser time, including governor support, will be allocated to support school improvement planning and monitoring progress, including support for discussions with HMI. Reviews of teaching and learning and leadership will also be commissioned, with reports provided to Headteachers and Governors. The general expectation will be that schools will commission any additional curriculum or consultant resources to support their improvement plans, drawing on any established SLA with the LBE, Diocese or other organisations.

However, in exceptional circumstances additional funding can be agreed where there are immediate prioritie.

Schools judged to be inadequate by Ofsted or locally identified red:

Additional LA adviser time, including governor support, will be allocated to support school improvement planning, the statement of action and monitoring progress, including support for discussions with HMI. Reviews of teaching and learning and leadership will also be commissioned, with reports provided to Headteachers and Governors. Alongside drawing on any established SLA with the LBE, Diocese or other organisations to support the resourcing of improvement plans, additional funding and resources may also be made available to support priorities.