Non-Maintained Schools, Academies and Independent Schools Statutory Offer

The following offer is without charge and is in line with the local authority discharging their statutory intervention functions and is set out in the School Intervention and Support Programme.

This enables the LBE to fulfil its basic statutory duties and local priorities for school improvement.

We recommend that this support is complemented by our traded offer, the advantages of which are listed on here.

  • The allocation of a school improvement adviser to all schools and Academies to provide a local authority point of contact and advice on commissioned support, including SLAs, with the offer of an in-school meeting to support this.
  • A local programme of induction support for Headteachers.
  • Access to ‘school to School' brokered support.
  • The offer of advice for Governing Bodies when appointing Headteachers.
  • Support for Chairs through Member Governor Forum.
  • Statutory advice and support for education, training and employment pathways for young people 14–19 in line with Raising the Participation Age.
  • Access to information from Enfield Education and borough partners through The Hub