Payroll Services

Candid 61


Description of Service

  • Calculation and payment of salaries, subsistence and expenses to all school employees in accordance with national and local agreements.

  • Interpretation and implementation of pay awards, annual and six-monthly increments and other global changes, and the calculation of payment of arrears.

  • Periodic recalculation of hourly fractions to term time employees with regards to changes to holiday entitlement.

  • Compliance with HMRC Tax, National Insurance and other employment legislation, including completion of statutory returns.

  • Processing temporary payments, including overtime and enhancements, supply claims, car mileage and other general adjustments to pay.

  • Maintenance of payroll data held in the shared payroll / HR Database.

  • Calculation and payment of statutory and occupational; sick pay, maternity, paternity and adoption pay, including the maintenance of individual records and statutory returns.

  • Dealing with correspondence from Government departments, financial institutions, solicitors and other agencies concerning payroll related issues.

  • Payments to all third parties in respect of voluntary deductions from pay.

  • Provision of a comprehensive enquiry service for schools and their employees from 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday – Friday.

  • Provision of management and costing reports.

  • Remittance of monthly Tax, NI, teachers’ pension and other third-party Returns.

  • Calculation, printing and issuing of P45’s, P60’s, P11D’s and tax forms to employees.

  • On behalf of the school, negotiating with the HMRC, PAYE Settlement Agreements relating to benefits to individuals including the calculation of employer taxable liabilities.

  • Manage and comply with all aspects of HRMC Real Time Information (RTI).

Pension related activities:

  • Pension administration service for Teachers Pensions (TP), including completion of TP forms, advice on general pension matters and the maintenance of records in accordance with legislation.

  • In relation to both TP and Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS), accurate maintenance of payroll records in relation to all pensionable payments and contributions.  This includes the deduction of employees and employers pension contributions adhering to statutory guidelines relating to contribution bandings and percentage changes together with the timely payment, within statutory deadlines of contributions to pension funds.

  • Adhering to statutory frameworks, issuing of monthly / annual returns of payroll data to both TP and LGPS Pension Funds.

  • Statutory compliance with pension auto enrolment legislation.

  • Completion of Teachers Pension TR17 form and the Teachers Annual Return of service and salary, adhering to statutory framework.

Benefits of using the Service

  • Fully trained specialist staff with excellent knowledge and understanding of providing services to schools.

  • All senior managers hold professional payroll qualifications.

  • An all-inclusive service providing high standards with no hidden extras.

  • Excellent ‘can do’ approach to supporting schools and their employees with all aspects of the payroll service.

  • Comprehensive administration of a Child Care Salary Sacrifice Scheme, providing both the school and its employees with tax and NI savings and providing an attractive addition to the school’s employment package. 

  • Expert advice, guidance and experience of delivering services and supporting schools who may be considering the transition to Academy status.    

Period of Agreement

  • The agreement runs from 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026, unless varied by agreement. 

The cost for providing the Payroll Service for the financial year 2025/26 will be £4.66 per payslip per period.  As the cost of the service is based on actual staff numbers paid each period we cannot use The Hub for charging and instead staff employed at your school in each month will be totalled and charged accordingly.  Payment will be collected by direct debit in October 2025 and April 2026, covering the previous 6 months.

This summary of the Payroll Service will be supported by a detailed Service Level Agreement (SLA).  

For more information on this service and to discuss your SLA, please contact Chris Dust, Payroll Manager, on
