Internal Audit

This service is statutory for Community, Voluntary Aided & Foundation Schools in Enfield
Internal Audit provides assurance to all levels of management about the adequacy and effectiveness of operations, compliance with laws and regulations, accuracy and reliability of management reporting, and the safeguarding of assets and other interests.
There are two services available:
- Internal Audit review of the School’s internal control environment, by undertaking a range of independent reviews which evaluate the Schools’ internal control framework. The objective, independent review will cover a range of major systems within the School, to ensure compliance with policies and procedures and to ensure good financial practices are applied throughout.
If you are a new Head Teacher or School Business Manager and would like assurance over the systems in place, this audit would be very useful for you.
Please note that this would be in addition to the regular programme of audits undertaken in maintained schools.
- Independent certification of grant funding, by completing a review of information provided to us, as required by the grant conditions, and providing an independent written assessment
Service costs
An indicative cost will be provided at the start of the process, and finalised once the scope of the review is agreed. This is also subject to prompt supply of information, documentation and responses to any queries. Please email for more information.
The school will be invoiced once the audit has been completed.
This service is statutory for Community, Voluntary Aided & Foundation Schools in Enfield