Admission to primary school in September 2020

Please remind families of the below.


Admission to primary school in September 2020

If your child was born between 1 September 2015 and 31 August 2016, you will need to apply for a primary school place by 15 January 2020. Your child will start reception class in September 2020.

The online admissions system is open for applications and the latest date for your application to be treated as an on-time application is 15 January 2020. Any applications made after this date are treated as late applications. For more information, view our step by step guide to applying online (PDF)

For details about visiting open sessions for primary, infant and junior schools, view our primary school booklet (PDF). If a school is not listed, you should contact them directly for their arrangements.

Places in reception classes at Enfield primary and infant schools will be allocated in line with the published admissions criteria. You can find this in primary schools in Enfield admissions criteria (PDF).

National offer day is 16 April 2020.

If your child was born between 1 April 2016 and 31 August 2016 and you want to defer their entry to school by a whole year, view our summer born guidance (PDF) and complete the deferral request form (PDF). For more information about school admissions for children born in the summer, visit GOV.UK.

If you would like your application to be considered under the medical criterion, see our medical priority guidance.

You can search for primary, secondary and special needs schools in Enfield and across England by visiting GOV.UK. Here you can access Ofsted reports, information on school performance and approximate home to school distances. These are only a guide as we use our own specialist systems to measure distances when allocating places in Enfield.

Applying for a primary school in Enfield 2020 (PDF)