Test and Trace Support Payment Assets

FAO: Headteachers & School Business Managers

Dear Headteachers & School Business Managers,

Enfield Council have received more funding for our discretionary scheme for the self-isolation payments through TTSP. A suite of social media and communication tools have been prepared for you to distribute on your platforms and newsletters informing parents of this, along with larger posters to put on display in your school.

The campaign is divided into three stages:

  • Awareness: Get £500 when you need it most
  • Eligibility: Is it for me?
  • Application: What will I need if I apply?

Posters in A3 and A4 for the three stages described above are available to download here: https://coronavirusresources.phe.gov.uk/symptoms/resources/Test-and-Trace-Support-Payment-Scheme/

The link to the application for the self-isolation payment is: https://enfieldopp-live.openrevenues.civicahosting.co.uk/scripts/OPENPortal-Live.wsc/ctax/SelfIsolationPayment.p

Many thanks,

Marc Pruis

Self-isolation Payment Team Leader