Message from the Director of Education re COVID19 and other matters - 18th May 2021

FAO: All Schools / All Phases

Dear Headteacher/Principal,

I very much hope that term is going well despite the number of wet plays/breaks you must be having. Some of you may even organised school trips which are permitted now so normality is starting to beckon. I visited two schools this week, Enfield Heights Primary School and St Ignatius RC Secondary School – it was great to see enthusiastic children and young people engaging with learning receiving quality education and enjoying school. I attach the latest data which continues to be very positive but there is a caveat unfortunately in terms of the new “Indian” strain. There have been a couple of cases in one school and this is being addressed with public health. Further information on this strain will be provided at the briefing this Friday by public health.

i) COVID19 letter for parents/carers  - please find attached a letter from public health and education which although it has a focus on face masks and therefore secondary schools, can be used to remind parents in all schools of the need to abide COVID19 safety guidance.

ii) Nuffield Early Language Intervention funding  - funding is available for primary schools with this programme  (see attachment) focusing on communication skills.

iii) Queen’s Platinum jubilee celebration – bank holiday and 194 days  - the next academic year will consist of 194 days (instead of 195). The normal late May bank holiday is to be moved from the usual Monday to Thursday June 2nd with an additional bank holiday on Friday June 3rd. For most Enfield schools this will be half-term week but this is not the same across the country. This means schools will need to lose a day from the next academic year. A decision has made to ask you to make your own decision with your governing body regarding which day as some headteachers have already come up with different options. If you have any questions, please contact either myself or Sarah Fryer.

iv) SEND Units based in schools  - due to the increasing demand for SEND specialist places, the SEND service are planning to introduce a new type of provision. SEND units will be based in mainstream schools but will be different to our ARPs. In ARPs there is an expectation of considerable engagement with the mainstream curriculum. Units, however, will cater for children with a higher level of need with engagement with the  mainstream curriculum being minimal (but clearly based on individual need) and could include assemblies and possibly some other curriculum activities. A considerable level of expertise would clearly be needed to run/manage this provision. This proposal should be confirmed to go ahead at the SEND partnership board (subject to agreement) including a funding model. If you would like further information, please could you contact Barbara Thurogood (Head of SEND).

v) Inclusion Charter event  16th June (3:30 to 5:30) - a recommendation from the EY (Ernst & Young) review of the SEND High Needs Budget was to develop an Inclusion Charter with the purpose on impacting on inclusive strategy and practice both at a local authority and school level. Dame Christine Lenehan Director of the Council for Disabled Children (CDC) will introduce this event which will focus on the development of the charter and how it can impact on strategy, provision and practice. I have attached the email with information on the event and the contact Louise Gayle if you and/or your SENDCo or another member of staff wish to attend.

vi) Alternative provision (AP) review  - at the most recent Schools Forum, the local authority agreed to review alternative provision in the borough as some concerns have been raised about how we meet need and whether additional provision is required. This is also reflects recent national reports from the DfE on AP.  Because most provision relates to secondary age pupils, two headteachers (or deputies) will be needed to be a part of this review which will need to come up with options to take forward. Could you let Vin McInerney if you are interested in being part of this review.

vii ) Headteacher changes  - I will endeavour to keep you informed of headship changes across the borough and will provide updated information in the coming weeks. Peter Travis who has been headteacher at Broomfield School will be retiring at the end of the summer term. He took over the school a number of years ago when the school was in considerable Ofsted difficulty!! He has served the school very well (he will be missed) and the school has been graded as good for the past 6 years. I am sure you will wish Peter best wishes for his retirement.

viii) Admissions Code changes  - the government are making a number of changes to the admissions code which Jo Fear’s team is looking into currently. Some of the changes are not straightforward so we will provide a briefing for you as soon as possible. They include a requirement for example mid-term admissions to be dealt with much more quickly with an onus on schools to respond to requests for information about vacancies within 3 days.

ix) Headteacher Briefing – Friday 1:30pm to 3pm – at this meeting we will have an update from public health with a focus on the new variants and also surge testing. Geraldine Gavin who is Independent Scrutineer for Enfield Children’s Safeguarding Partnership will introduce herself and her role. We will also have information on the new Neighbourhood Fund which schools may wish to apply for and short updates on the inclusion charter meeting, admission codes and pupil numbers.

I hope you are able to enjoy our new freedoms and have perhaps been inside a pub or restaurant – I have a planned inside  visit on Friday after attending an inside Yoga class at my gym!! I hope the rest of the week goes well for you and I look forward to seeing you on Friday at the heads briefing.

Best wishes

Peter Nathan

Director of Education

People Department

Enfield Council