Ask About Asthma week

FAO: All Schools / All Phases

This week is #AskAboutAsthma week and I would be really grateful if you can share information about what parents and young people can do to ensure they have good asthma care.

It’s estimated that in every classroom of children there will be 3 who experience life with this condition. These children are more likely to miss school days due to ill health, to end up in the emergency department, be admitted to hospital and sadly even die. 

North Central London Partners have designed posters with three key messages for asthma care that if followed will reduce the likelihood of admission to A&E and even save a life. I am asking that you share them, please.

The posters focus on three key ask that will provide good asthma care.

  • Ask for  an asthma management plan
  • Ask to be shown the correct the inhaler technique
  • Ask for an annual asthma review

Please can you download, print and display on a notice board the poster for children aged 11+  follow link to the poster for 11+ do you have asthma

Please can you also share the poster for parents and carers with them, Does your child have asthma see link

The parents poster has a QR code with a link to a page where translations of the poster can be downloaded.

If you have a facebook or twitter channel can you publish the post, suggested text below. And attached is a graphic for social media:


Does your child have asthma? 

Three key messages for good asthma care:

1. make sure you have an asthma action plan in place

2. ensure that you/your child have the correct inhaler technique

3. make sure you have an annual asthma review

For more information go to

North London Partners in Health and Care / North Central London CCG