09.02.22 - Message from the Director of Education re' COVID19 and other matters

FAO: All Schools/ All Phases


Dear Headteacher/Principal,

I hope that everyone will be able to get a break over half term.  Although COVID is still driving everyone’s time, the current arrangements should allow you all some time off.   Everyone in the Education Service is aware of how much you have all been carrying, next week should be used as a chance for some self-care.  Thank you for everything that you are continuing to do for the children and young people that we serve.  Your hard work is appreciated and so necessary to Enfield residents.  The way that you help us to shape services in the borough is a testament the deep knowledge you have of your community and the desire to improve things even further. 

I have attached the latest local COVID data with this message.  The picture is still very mixed across the borough.  The youngest age bands have the highest rates of infection.  We are aware that there have been some unpleasant incidents with a member of the public giving out misinformation about vaccinations and a fake legal cease and desist letter.  In one school she became abusive and the headteacher reported this to the police.  It might be wise to review your school’s Lone Working Policy.  This should cover staff not being alone on gate duty or similar duties, not simply being on the site alone.

i) Transition Days – 7th / 8th July.  We raised Transition Days at the last Strategic Headteacher / LA meeting.  We have agreed that the borough wide transition days would be on the 7th and 8th July.  We revisited the grid that your headteacher representatives worked on with Francesca Falcini last year.  It is attached with this email.  The aim is to reduce the paperwork for schools.  We have added one column to the contextual information, a yes / no column about a Social Worker.   National KS 2 test results do not come out until the 5th July.  The headteacher reps felt that using this grid to give teacher assessments grades earlier than the 5th July, would support secondary schools with their planning. The LA is happy to provide support for this process, as we did last year.  We would need all the information, including teacher assessments by the 27th May.  If you have any queries about this, please contact Dominic Smart d.smart@debohun.enfield.sch.uk or Mary O’Keefe o'keeffem@st-ignatius.enfield.sch.uk .

ii) SACRE website – the website is now back, but with a new address.  http://enfieldsacre.com/  The Agreed Syllabus Conference is meeting this year to the review the Enfield Agreed Syllabus.  Please email Pauline.swain@enfield.gov.uk for more information, or if you have a member of staff who would like to be part of that process. 

iii) Revised behaviour in schools guidance & suspension and permanent exclusions guidance

The DfE is consulting on proposed changes to the behaviour in schools guidance and the suspension and permanent exclusion guidance.  The consultation closes at 10 pm on 31 March 2022 and we would encourage schools to respond.

Revised behaviour in schools guidance and suspension and permanent exclusions guidance - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

iv) Attendance review with DfE – the day was very positive.  Many thanks to the schools that supported the process and met with the DFE adviser.  We hope to have her report and recommendations soon.

v) We are very much looking forward to welcoming Dani Lang to our team after half term.  She is joining Beatrix and Jeff as a Senior Adviser, but with a role focussed on Safeguarding and Inclusion.

I hope you have a good rest of the week and a peaceful half term break.  

Lucy Nutt

Head of School and Early Years Improvement