10 February – Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Update to all education and childcare settings and providers

FAO: All Schools / All Phases



Department for Education




This is your email to keep you updated on the government’s response to COVID-19. If you have colleagues who would like to receive this email directly, please ask them to use this subscription form.

Today’s email includes:

  • information for schools on the 12 to 15 year old vaccination programme
  • reminder for schools and further education colleges to request laptops for Operation Warm Welcome
  • information for schools on how to sign-up to participate in the Accelerator Fund
  • information for schools on Academic Mentor eligibility
  • information on how schools can register for the National Tutoring Programme (NTP) webinars
  • an invitation for schools to participate in the NTP half-term survey
  • information on the DfE sustainability and climate change strategy and survey for education and childcare settings and children’s social care services

Information for schools on the 12 to 15 year old vaccination programme

As we approach half-term, schools should have received a list of their nearest 15 vaccination centres offering appointments over this period, from NHS England. We ask that schools signpost the list and the walk-in offer (where available), to students and parents, for example, through the use of school newsletters and noticeboards.

If you haven’t received this list, please contact your school age immunisation service (SAIS) provider. If you do not already have contact details for your SAIS provider, please contact your regional NHS England (NHSE) team. Details can be found at NHS England Regional teams.

We have published an updated ‘how to guide’ for schools on hosting vaccinations. We have also announced that schools will receive at least £1000 each to support engagement with the vaccination programme.

Details of the funding allocation that each eligible school will receive is available in the 12 to 15 year old vaccination programme conditions of funding guidance.

Reminder to request laptops for Operation Warm Welcome

If you have children or young people in your school or college who arrived under Operation Warm Welcome, you can still request laptops for them. Stock is limited so we recommend making your request as soon as possible.

To request devices, sign into the get help with technology service and select ‘Order devices’. You will then need to complete the online form available under the ‘Operation Warm Welcome’ heading.

We cannot guarantee that we will be able to fulfil requests made after Tuesday 1 March. After this date, we will be offering any remaining devices to eligible organisations with disadvantaged children on a first come, first served basis.

Further information on eligibility for these devices can be found in our Operation Warm Welcome guidance.

If you have any questions, please contact the get help with technology team.

School sign-up for the Accelerator Fund is now open

The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) is working with DfE throughout the 2021 /22 academic year to expand its work in supporting schools to access evidence-informed programmes that have the potential to raise pupil attainment. The work is focused on the regional school commissioner regions of the North, East Midlands & Humber, and West Midlands.

There are eight projects, recruiting schools, across a variety of setting types. This includes trials of approaches that show promise in raising attainment, as well as programmes shown to be effective in previous EEF trials, being offered to schools at a subsidised rate.

In addition, to supporting schools in how to address challenges in the wake of the pandemic, EEF, in partnership with the Research Schools Network, is delivering a free bespoke offer of twilight training sessions and a six-module training programme.

Further information on how schools can sign-up to take part can be found on the EEF website.

Academic Mentor eligibility

We have updated information on school eligibility for Academic Mentor support on our guidance page Academic Mentors. This brings it in line with the information already on the NTP website.

Schools or academy trusts with 30% or more of their pupils eligible for pupil premium are eligible for support, as well as those in a qualifying area. This eligibility has been in place since November 2021 when we informed schools of the change.

For further information on Academic Mentors and to register your interest, please visit the NTP website.

Register to attend the National Tutoring Programme (NTP) webinars

The NTP webinar series continues and will focus on region specific information. They provide a great opportunity for shared learning from experiences of schools in your region.

This week’s webinar will focus on the West Midlands and will take place on Thursday 10 February at 4pm.

To register your interest in this webinar and other events, please visit the NTP events website.

NTP half-term survey

We are undertaking a short survey about the NTP. Responses from this survey will help us to measure how the NTP is delivering on its core aim of supporting pupils where their education has been impacted by the pandemic. Please do complete the survey.

Sustainability and climate change strategy and survey for education and childcare settings and children’s social care services

As part of the recovery from COVID-19, DfE is committed to Building Back Greener.

We are running an anonymous survey to gather feedback on our draft sustainability and climate change strategy. We will use the results from this survey, alongside feedback from focus groups and working groups, to inform the final strategy before publication in Spring 2022.

Please read our draft strategy and take part in the anonymous survey. Responses must be submitted by 11:59pm on Sunday 20 February. This invitation is open to all education and childcare settings, children’s social care services and associated organisations.

By submitting your response, you are consenting for us to use your answers as part of our analysis of the public’s opinion on the draft strategy.

Please consider sharing the survey with your networks, in line with your own data privacy notices, as well as through social media.

The information below has not changed since our last update

Department for Education COVID-19 helpline

The Department for Education COVID-19 helpline and the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) advice service are available to answer any questions you have about COVID-19 relating to education and childcare settings and children’s social care.

Department for Education guidance

Our guidance to support education and childcare providers, local authorities and parents during the COVID-19 pandemic can be accessed using the links below: