Schools Energy Update

FAO: All Schools / All Phases

Contract intro

Contract is only available for Maintained Schools not Academies.

Gas and elec contracts both in place till 2024 through LASER (part of Kent County Council) which you are locked into.

Looking at next procurement route (October 2024 onwards) in the next few months.

Annual price changes 1st October (30th September)

Schools manage the day to day themselves in some cases with the support of the Fully Managed Service through LASER some direct with the supplier.

Am here to help if need escalation with a problem or wish to check information.

Good Practice

Keep a list of all your meters.  Location, serial number and meter reads.

Take regular meter reads and send them to the supplier

Check your billing, are the reads in line, meter serial number is correct, correct rates, dates

Make sure suppliers have the correct contact details for you.

Keep your meters clear of clutter – easy to use a cupboard to put stuff but can become a fire hazard.

Energy Market

As you will all have seen energy pricing has significantly increased. 

The market is always volatile but the last few years political (worldwide) uncertainty along with Covid have put unprecedented pressures on the markets driving up prices.  At present prices are doubling.  We are protected to some extent by hedging i.e. LASER buying over a period of time rather than the whole amount on one day this means LASER can buy when the market is deemed lower and when it is high avoid buying.  However even using these strategies prices considerable increases are unavoidable.

There are signs of a settling in the market, but it is still very high.  Sadly, no guarantee that things will improve further.

Below are indicative increases in pricing from 1st October 2022 (in place till September 2023)

It should be noted that the market is very volatile at the moment and although LASER have purchased most of the power (electricity) and gas there is still a small amount to purchase so the percentages given may change.

Gas:                       80%

Electricity:           50%

As you will see they do indicate a large increase.  This reflects two main influences in the market.  The prices October 2020 and October 2021 were lower than predicted due to Covid which initially suppressed prices.  Since then along with the political environment prices have ‘caught up’ and increased in many cases at least doubling.

Please see below update re Schools Energy.

Contact Info

Energy Management Enfield

Liz Wright



Tel:         020 8132 0971

Mobile:   07790 912382

Contract contacts

LASER:   for all gas queries and any electricity supplies where on the Fully Managed agreement with LASER (billed by LASER)


Tel:         01622 236 780

Contact for Npower for any Non Fully Managed Electricity Supplies (billed by Npower)


Tel:         0191 3398925

Liz Wright (she/her)

Energy Manager

Climate Action and Sustainability Team

London Borough of Enfield