Enfield School Climate Action Network
FAO: All Schools / All Phases
Dear school climate action network,
I hope you are all having a good summer term so far.
Here are a few updates and invitations for school climate action over the next few months.
Next school climate action network meeting
We’re planning to have our next network meeting in the autumn term, and we will publicise the date soon. The focus for this session will be waste reduction and litter-picking activities for schools. If you would like to present on this, or have some suggestions for particular aspects for us to focus on, please let me know.
Survey for primary schools on waste education
On the topic of waste reduction, please see attached information on some research being carried out by Keep Britain Tidy, commissioned by the North London Waste Authority to find out priority areas of interest for future waste education for north London primary schools. Please aim to respond to this by 1st July if you can.
Updating the schools climate action handbook
I hope you and colleagues at your school have found the Schools Climate Action Handbook a helpful resource. Over the summer, we hope to update this with any new information and developments that have taken place since it was published last year. If you have an initiative you’d like us to promote in the handbook, or perhaps a case study from your school which you would like to feature in the next edition, please get in touch with me or with Louise Gayle to discuss this. We would love to feature some of the fantastic climate action that you have undertaken in your schools.
Keeping in touch
If you would like to share any information on projects your schools is taking part in on any topic relating to climate action at a future network meeting, or if you have a challenge, question or idea you’d like to explore with colleagues on the network, do get in touch. And if you no longer wish to receive these emails, or if you would like to request a colleague from your school joins as well as, or instead of you, please just let me know.
Best wishes
Harriet Potemkin
Head of Strategy and Policy
Enfield Council
T: 020 8379 8399